Thursday, May 30, 2013

Schloss Radler

Schloss Radler

  • It's my first canned Radler so far. :brow
  • Honestly I am not big fan of canned beers, you can get total awful can taste sometimes and that nobody wants. :||
  • This Radler tastes really nice. :)
  • I think nice is the best word to describe it. :brow
  • It has little bit stronger beer taste than the lemon taste, but it's still nicely balanced. :d
  • It's a Radler that I can easily drink once again in the future. ;)
  • Rating: 4- (not the best taste in the world, but not total disaster). :star

1 comment:

  1. I don't have much experience on radler or beer, but I like this one. It suits me. nice taste, less bitter and little beer flavor..... I don't know this one has comes on a bottle or not. It will be better on bottle (plastic bottle with cap like Grafenwalder Radler).

    Nice blog with lots of experience.... :)
