Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adelskronen Alster_Wasser

Adelskronen Alster-Wasser

  • Second canned beer test, here I go! :O
  • Quite popular brand, but honestly I'm not impressed. :|
  • Little bit too bitter in my humble opinion. xP
  • Not my type of Ralder, but not totally bad one. :)
  • Rating: 3+ :robot

Schloss Radler

Schloss Radler

  • It's my first canned Radler so far. :brow
  • Honestly I am not big fan of canned beers, you can get total awful can taste sometimes and that nobody wants. :||
  • This Radler tastes really nice. :)
  • I think nice is the best word to describe it. :brow
  • It has little bit stronger beer taste than the lemon taste, but it's still nicely balanced. :d
  • It's a Radler that I can easily drink once again in the future. ;)
  • Rating: 4- (not the best taste in the world, but not total disaster). :star

Friday, May 24, 2013

Grafenwalder Grapefruit Hefeweizen - Mix

Grafenwalder Grapefruit 

Hefeweizen - Mix

  • Grafenwalder really surprises me nicely everytime! :b
  • Refreshing, perfect grapefruit taste! :k
  • Looks, smells and tastes wonderfully! :L
  • I was septic about grapefruit beer, but this delicious thing made me change my mind! 8)
  • Recommended to drink in big amounts! :party \m/
  • Yummmmy!!! ^_^
  • Rating: 5! :tup

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oettinger Weizen & Erdbeere Hefeweizenbier-Mischgetränk

Oettinger Weizen & Erdbeere 

  • Veeeeerrrrry sweeeeeet. :D
  • Veeeerrrrrry taaaasssstttty. :O
  • Refreshing! :party
  • Perfect drink for ladies. :kitten
  • Not recommended in big amounts - might cause over sweet shock. o_O
  • Rating: 4 :tup

Wernesgrüner Radler

Wernesgrüner Radler

  • On the first day that I bought this Radler the lemon taste was very chemical. 8|
  • The one that stayed in the fridge for one day was much better. 8)
  • This Radler is a bit too sweet for me. o_O
  • But I must admit that beer taste is really nice. ^_^
  • Rating: 3+ (that's for making me wait whole day to feel the better taste) :O

Sternburg Radler

Sternburg Radler

  • Basically it's really good beer...but... 8|
  • In my humble opinion the beer taste is too strong. ;)
  • I almost couldn't feel the lemon taste. :/
  • Beer base is really nice to make better Radler. :)
  • I recommend this one for those, who don't like normal strong beer taste and search for something softer. 8)
  • Rating: 3+ (I would even consider 4...). :star

Friday, May 17, 2013

Grafenwalder Radler Naturtrüb

Grafenwalder Radler Naturtrüb

  • I am really nicely surprised about this brand! :D
  • Fresh taste and really nice scent. ^_^
  • Perfect in bigger amounts! :P
  • Excellent party drink! :e \m/
  • I'm looking forward to try the 3rd one of Grafenwalder's Radler (ooops! I spoiled my next goal). :r
  • Rating: 5- (it's still not the best one, but really good one) :tup

Warsteiner Zitrone

Warsteiner Zitrone

  • I was really curious about this one. :d
  • Unfortunately disappointing. VERY disappointing! o_O
  • Taste is a total disaster! :~
  • Lemon is pure chemical! >.<
  • Taste like dishwasher or soap. xP
  • Rating: 1! :tdown

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mönchshof Natur Radler

Mönchshof Natur Radler

  • Very nice taste. ^_^
  • Little bit too weak in my humble opinion. :$
  • Perfect as the first Radler for people who never had any of them (for "beginners" I would say :O ).
  • You can easily drink it in big amounts. ;) \m/
  • Nice plus is the fancy way to open the bottle (helps a lot when you don't have a bottle opener...or you don't know other ways to open the bottle, like many men know). :r
  • Rating: 4- (nice one but too weak taste). :tup

Wednesday, May 15, 2013



  • Disappointing. :(
  • Scent uncovers very strong yeast flavor. :robot 
  • Unfortunately after first quite nice lemon taste I got total overkill with yucky yeast aftertaste. :~
  • I tried to drink it more in hope that it will get better…well... it got...A BIT better (but mainly because I didn't care anymore) . 8|
  • Tastes a bit like shampoo. :~
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: tastes bit better when chilled more (yes, I drank it chilled – like every Radler – but this one needs more time, but yet…still not good to me). Kills that yeast aftertaste a bit. :ice
  • Rating: 2. :tdown

Grafenwalder Radler

Grafenwalder Radler

  • Perfect mix of beer and lemon taste. :tup
  • I can surely recommend this one as drinkable in bigger amounts. :O
  • If you’re not convinced yet, then check out the price, which is really reasonable. ;)
  • Not sure about the other Radlers, but with this one you can easily try to get tipsy. :r
  • Rating: 5 :tup



  • Very nice scent. :)
  • Different kind of lemon. 8)
  • Stronger taste of beer. :i
  • Quite bitter. :||
  • It’s not bad, but simply not the kind of taste that I really like. :brow
  • Rating: let’s give it 4- :)



  • I was expecting something better. :/
  • Big bottle was promising. :(
  • I cannot feel any beer taste and the lemon flavor is almost none. :|
  • Way too weak taste. 
  • Schade. :(
  • Rating: 2 (cause it has SOME little taste).



  • In my humble opinion that’s EXACTLY how Radler should taste. \m/
  • Perfect mix of beer and lemon. :e
  • Refreshing.
  • Great scent & taste. :L
  • Perfect even in bigger amounts! :party
  • I think that one might be the winner for now. ;)
  • Rating: 5+! :tup

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Beck’s Green Lemon

Beck’s Green Lemon

  • Totally undrinkable!!! :~
  • Made me want to pour it into the sink!!! And I hate to waste the drinks!!! :( 
  • Tastes like some chemical stuff!!! o_O
  • Famous brand and yet very disappointing! :tdown
  • I owe Lübzer an apology. :b
  • Rating: 1- (even THAT is too high)!!! :tdown

Berliner Kindl

Berliner Kindl

  • Very tasty. :tup
  • Refreshing.
  • Perfectly mixed. :tup
  • First you feel sweet lemonade and then you have a nice beer aftertaste.
  • Taste of beer stays on your teeth (if you don’t like it, then I don’t recommend this one).
  • Rating: 5-? (minus because of aftertaste on teeth, which I don’t mind that much).



  • Yummy! :o
  • Delicious! ^_^
  • Nothing to complain about! :b
  • Refreshing! 8)
  • Perfect! :party
  • Rating: 5! :tup

Schöfferhofer Kaktusfeige Hefeweizen - mix

Schöfferhofer Kaktusfeige Hefeweizen - mix

  • This one caught my eye from the very first moment.
  • Interesting look is not all, so I was cautious before saying any opinion.
  • Scent really nice. If you like sweet (well…not über sweet) stuff, you will like it. I could have that kind of perfumes. ;)
  • After scent test which was very positively passed the taste didn't disappoint me. :)
  • Refreshing, unusual, sweet with nice aftertaste.
  • One thing: not recommended in big amounts. Might give sweetness overload.
  • Rating: 4 :)



  • Here comes the hard part, cause I really don’t like to write bad reviews about anything.
  • In case of this beer I really need to admit that it’s taste surprised me in a very not nice way.
  • Don’t let nice scent switch off your senses. Lemon taste is totally chemical and undrinkable!
  • I’m sorry Lübzer, but I am really disappointed. Nice looking bottle and kinda nice scent hide totally awful and total „kragmortha face” (which means something like that -> xP or >.< ) making taste!
  • Rating: definitely 1! (and remember, that in case of my rating 1 means blaaaaaaah!) :tdown



  • First impression was better than latest.
  • I've notice, that lemon taste is a bit too hmm…I would call it…unnatural and too bitter. 
  • Come to think of it…it has not so nice aftertaste. :||
  • I don’t recommend to drink it after other Radlers (that might be a reason of not so nice aftertaste).
  • Rating: 3+

Little after introduction.

Before we start the journey...

First of all, those are just my humble opinions. If anyone wants to try beers that I don’t recommend or doesn't like the same, that I've ranked as the best ones, I won’t mind.

One of the very good tip is: Don’t drink different brands of Radlers one after another. 
It can really disorient your taste. ;)

IMPORTANT: ALWAYS drink chilled Radler! Otherwise it makes no sense. ;) It's made to give refreshing feeling during the hot days. :f


Hello everyone. :)

I've decided to start my blog from introducing what it will be about.

As name shows already, this blog is dedicated to the Radlers and mixed beer drinks from all over the world.

First of all...what is that Radler?

It's a mix of beer and lemonade. Very popular recently. :)

I found out that Radler drinks are better during the warm days than normal beer for me, so I've decided to do a little experiment and try as many of them as possible (NOT AT ONCE!), compare them, rate them and compose my blog that way. :party

To not make my introduction too long...let's get the journey started. ^_^

Enjoy reading. :kitten