Friday, June 21, 2013

My personal recommendation for very hot days!

Not only for ladies!

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? 8)

What is better than one Krombacher Radler? :brow


6 Krombacher Radlers! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 \m/

Prost! Radler

Prost! Radler

  • The word "Prost!" in German stands for "Cheers!" (little trivia). :mj
  • Very nice taste. :party
  • Has a little different kind of lemon, not so sweet, but very nice. 8)
  • It's the kind of Radler, that I can surely recommend not only to ladies. :brow
  • Rating: 4+ :tup

Schöfferhofer Birne - Ingwer Hefeweizen - Mix


Birne - Ingwer 

Hefeweizen - Mix

  • I'm really surprised how tasty Schöfferhofer mixes are. :L
  • This is my second one from this brand and I have to admit that I'm looking forward to try another 2 kinds (or more if they are more of them) :O.
  • I wasn't sure how mix of pear and ginger with beer will work, but I must say, that it's perfect stuff for ladies during the hot days. :party
  • Very refreshing! <3
  • Delicious! :e
  • Rating: 5! (YUMMY!) :tup

Flensburger Radler

Flensburger Radler

  • Quite bitter. xP
  • Not to mention that the overall taste was too weak. 8|
  • Not total disaster, but I was expecting something more lemon(ish). :d
  • Rating: 3+ :||

Hasseröder Radler

Hasseröder Radler

I know I was a bit silent, but now I'm back with brand new reviews! :e
The days are getting warmer, so it's perfect occasion to search for new Radlers. :vD

  • This one is a nice one. :)
  • Honestly I would say it's totally neutral, which means not bad, but not something that would make me want to rush to the shop in the middle of a hot day to buy more of it. :f
  • Lemon taste could be a tiny bit more intense for me. ;)
  • Rating: 4 (cause it's simply normal one). :star